Bonus points are given as a reward and incentive to help us maintain a fair scoring and handicap system but also may be awarded for early team registration and for participating in league activities or meetings.

  • To ensure your team is awarded your bonus points, Team Captains and Co-Captains should review scoresheets and fees submitted before turning in your packet for the night!

  • 8-Ball teams can earn up to 2 bonus points each week! 1 point is awarded for submitting complete, accurate and neat scoresheets. Another point will be awarded for submitting their correct weekly fees and any membership that are owed.  

  • 9-Ball teams can earn up to 12 bonus points each week! 6 points will be awarded for submitting complete, accurate and neat scoresheets. Another 6 points will be awarded for submitting their correct weekly fees and any membership that are owed.